PRAC Reporting and Recognition Subcommittee
The main work of this subcommittee will continue to include reading and reviewing annual assessment reports and offering feedback to units about their reports. The purpose of these reviews is to provide collegial support for advancing assessment and improvement practices, identify exemplary reports and practices that other units can consult for guidance, and ensure the reports collectively present a clear picture of student learning outcomes assessment at Indiana University Indianapolis, including how assessment results are used to guide improvement. Workload depends on the number of subcommittee members, but in most years, members are each assigned 3–5 reports to review and have been able to complete their reviews in 3–6 hours. More members mean less work for each individual member on the reviews of PRAC reports, so we hope that many of you will volunteer to join this year.
Members of this subcommittee have an opportunity to learn how their colleagues in schools, programs, and administrative units across Indiana University Indianapolis are working to assess and improve student learning. For members who write their own units’ annual Assessment Report, participating in this subcommittee is an excellent way to learn about developing an effective report document.
We seek members with and without prior experience with this annual review process—so if you have served on this committee in the past, please consider volunteering again. We expect the group will need to meet three or times this year to organize and complete the PRAC report review process and discuss recommended changes to the reporting process. The first meeting will take place late in the fall semester and the last meeting is held prior to the May PRAC meeting. All meetings will be held on Zoom.
Serving Members, PRAC Reporting and Recognition Subcommittee: