Assessment Grant Proposal Guidelines
The IU Indianapolis Program Review and Assessment Committee (PRAC) establishes guidelines for comprehensive program review of academic and administrative units and provides guidance for student outcomes assessment throughout the campus. This committee funds grants that promise innovative, transformative, and inclusive approaches and improved practice in assessment and/or program review.
The 2025 PRAC Assessment Grants Submission will be open from January 6 to February 17. For all questions, contact PRAC Grant Subcommittee chair, Anusha S. Rao. PRAC will award up to $5,000 for each grant. Grants are awarded annually.
2025 PRAC Grant Proposals Due February 17, 11:59 p.m.
Assessment is a process of describing and documenting progress toward identified educational goals or outcomes for the purposes of improving student learning experiences and academic performance and determining program effectiveness. PRAC invites groups or individuals to submit proposals for initiatives that support:
- the continued development of school/departmental assessment plans that focus on enhancing student learning and/or
- assessment of program effectiveness in connection with preparing the self-study for program review.
We are especially interested in projects which address the IU Indianapolis Profiles of Learning for Undergraduate Success, investigate inclusive and equitable assessment practices to support learning and success for all students, or focus on assessment strategies that advance the student success efforts outlined in the IU Indianapolis Strategic Plan. We as PRAC attend to these definitions of inclusion and equity.
- Proposals will be submitted online using the "Submit Proposal" button at the top and bottom of this page.
- Requests for funding should not exceed $5,000 for any individual proposal.
- Applicants will be required to upload a support from chair or dean.
- Project should be completed within one year after the award and a final report submitted within 30 days after completion.
- Ensure all sections of the proposal are completed thoroughly.
Proposal Writing Support
- Please contact a PRAC member in your school for consultation in the proposal development process.
- Refer to examples of previously submitted successful grant proposals and reports.
- Use proposal evaluation rubric to self-assess and revise draft.
Timeline and Review Process
- Completed proposals are due by Monday, February 17 at 11:59 p.m.
- Propopsal should be submitted online only using the "Submit Proposal" button at the top and bottom of this page. Proposals sent via email will not be included in the review.
- The PRAC Grants Subcommittee will review proposals using an evaluation rubric. Please use the rubric to guide your proposal development.
- Awardees will be announced at the April PRAC meeting and notified via email by the PRAC chair.
- Awardees will be required to provide account number for funds transfer by mid-April. Disbursement of funds to personnel and/or vendors will be the responsibility of the project director(s).
- Awardees are required to submit a project report within 30 days of project completion. The reports will be emailed to the PRAC Grant Subcommittee Chair, Anusha S. Rao. View final report template and requirements.